What Role Does Fertilizer Play in Agricultural Production


What Role Does Fertilizer Play in Agricultural Production

Fertilizers play an important role in agricultural production.
First, it improves crop yield and solves the problem of subsistence. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) survey statistics, the average yield increase effect of fertilizers in 40% to 60%.
Second, to improve crop quality and improve living standards. Through reasonable fertilization, can effectively improve the quality of crops, such as the appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer, can significantly improve the sugar and vitamin content in vegetables, melons and fruits, reduce nitrate content; the appropriate amount of calcium fertilizer, can prevent and control melons and fruits water heart disease, umbilical cord rot disease, etc..
Third, to protect the quality of arable land and promote sustainable development. Through reasonable application of fertilizer, it replenishes the nutrients taken away by crop absorption and protects the quality of arable land.
Fourth, it makes crops grow luxuriantly, improves ground cover, slows down or prevents soil erosion, maintains surface waters and water bodies from pollution, and accordingly plays a role in protecting the environment.