Potassium fertilizer demand will be lower In the second half year?

Potassium fertilizer demand is not high in autumn. Generally speaking, autumn fertilizers are mainly formulated with high phosphorus and high nitrogen. At present, the domestic potash fertilizer market is in a stage of supply and demand mismatch, and the demand for potash fertilizer is relatively small.

Potassium fertilizer demand will be lower In the second half year?

According to reports, on September 22, the reference price of potassium chloride (import) was 4,066.67 yuan per ton, a decrease of 12.23% compared with September 1. An industry insider said: "At present, the price of potash fertilizer is still at a high stage. Affected by the weakening of demand, the price of potash fertilizer has gradually returned to rationality compared with the previous period." Potash fertilizer analysts predict that with the increase in the supply of imported potash fertilizer in the later period, the domestic potash fertilizer market will still show "" Quantity and price fall.”

Phosphate fertilizer prices remained low and fluctuated. In July and August this year, the domestic prices of monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate fell for two consecutive months. With the recovery of market demand, the market prices of monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate have stabilized recently. As of September 20, the average domestic market price of 55% diammonium phosphate was 2,863 yuan per ton, down 16.48% from the same period last year and 4.03% from the same period last month; the average market price of 64% diammonium phosphate was 3,713 yuan per ton. It increased by 4.44% compared with the same period of last year, and decreased by 6.43% compared with the same period of last month.