How much do you know about fertilizer urea

The role and use of fertilizer urea:

As one of the important sources of fertilizer for growing crops, urea is used in a large amount and has a wide range of uses, which is very shocking.So how to use it rationally and efficiently?The following is a detailed answer to the role and use of fertilizer urea.The following is a detailed explanation of the introduction, characteristics, functions and methods of use, precautions and summary of urea:

How much do you know about fertilizer urea

1. Introduction to urea:

Urea is a common nitrogen fertilizer, the chemical name is carbonyldiazotide.It is a colorless crystal, soluble in water, and has a high nitrogen content, usually 46%.Urea is an economical and efficient nitrogen fertilizer, which is widely used in agricultural production.

2. Urea characteristics:

1). High nitrogen content: The nitrogen content of urea is as high as 46%, which is an efficient nitrogen fertilizer.Nitrogen is the main nutrient necessary for plant growth and can promote plant growth and development.

2). Rapid dissolution: Urea dissolves quickly in water and can be quickly absorbed and utilized by crops.This makes urea a nitrogen fertilizer suitable for top dressing.

3). Suitable for a variety of crops: Urea is suitable for a variety of crops, including cereals, vegetables, fruit trees, lawns, etc.It can be used not only as a base fertilizer, but also as a top dressing and foliar fertilizer.

3. The role and use of fertilizer urea:

1). Promote plant growth: Urea provides the nitrogen needed by plants to promote plant growth and development.Nitrogen is the raw material for important components such as proteins, enzymes and cell walls in plants, and plays an important role in plant growth.

2). Improve yield and quality: Moderate application of urea can increase crop yield and quality.Nitrogen is an important element for plants to synthesize chlorophyll and other biologically active substances. It can increase photosynthesis and nutrient absorption, thereby improving crop yield and quality.

3). Regulate crop physiological processes: The nitrogen in urea can regulate plant physiological processes, such as bud differentiation, fruit enlargement and fruit sitting.The application of appropriate amounts of urea can promote the flowering and fruiting of crops and increase production.

4). How to use:

a. Basal fertilizer application: Before the crop is sown or transplanted, sprinkle urea evenly on the surface of the soil, and then gently plow into the soil.The amount of fertilization is generally 20-30 kg per acre.

b. Top dressing application: During crop growth, top dressing is carried out in a timely manner according to the growth state and nitrogen requirements of the crop.When top dressing, urea can be dissolved in water and fertilized by irrigation or spraying.

c. Foliar fertilizer use: Dissolve urea in water and fertilize by foliar spraying.This method is suitable for periods of rapid crop growth and large nitrogen demand, and can quickly supplement the nitrogen demand of plants.

How much do you know about fertilizer urea

1). Avoid urea loss: Urea is prone to ammonia volatilization and nitrification in the soil, resulting in nitrogen loss.In order to reduce losses, the soil should be covered or irrigated in time after fertilization to avoid the volatilization of ammonia and the loss of nitrates.

2). Avoid mixing with other fertilizers: Urea should not be mixed with fertilizers containing chloride ions to avoid harmful substances such as ammonium chloride.When fertilizing, attention should be paid to the use of other fertilizers.

3). Pay attention to the amount of fertilization and the timing of fertilization: The amount of urea fertilization and the timing of fertilization should be reasonably adjusted according to the growth period of the crop and the nitrogen demand.Excessive fertilization will lead to nitrogen accumulation and environmental pollution, while insufficient fertilization will affect crop yield and quality.


The fertilizer urea is an efficient and economical nitrogen fertilizer, which has the effect of promoting plant growth and improving yield and quality.When using urea, attention should be paid to the amount and timing of fertilization to avoid nitrogen loss and environmental pollution.The rational use of urea can provide effective nutritional support for agricultural production and improve crop yield and quality.