What kind of fertilizer is urea? How to use it effectively?

Urea belongs to a kind of nitrogen fertilizer, it is a typical amide nitrogen fertilizer with 46% nitrogen content, and it is also the nitrogen fertilizer with the highest nitrogen content. Urea has the following characteristics.

What kind of fertilizer is urea? How to use it effectively?

1, urea is a neutral fertilizer, small residual in the soil, suitable for a variety of soils and crops, the application is more widespread. It can be used on fruit trees, vegetables and field crops. Urea can improve photosynthesis, promote the growth of crop roots, leaves and fruits, reasonable use can improve the yield and quality of crops.


2, urea is white or light yellow crystals, but also some new urea, containing humus, black granular shape. Urea also has the size of the particles, large particles of urea fertilizer effect is long, small particles of urea fertilizer effect is fast, but the nitrogen content is the same, generally use small particles more.

3, urea is currently the highest nitrogen content of nitrogen fertilizer, but it is the molecular state of nitrogen fertilizer, and other nitrogen fertilizer, only in the soil after the transformation into ammonium nitrogen, can be absorbed by the crop in large quantities. Therefore, when using urea, it is generally applied 3-6 days in advance, which is beneficial to crop absorption.

What kind of fertilizer is urea? How to use it effectively?

4, urea is a chemically stable nitrogen fertilizer, suitable for base or chase fertilizer, generally not used as seed fertilizer. Urea is converted into ammonium nitrogen after application to the soil, resulting in the volatilization of nutrients. When used as a base fertilizer or fertilizer, the fertilizing effect of deep application of mulch is better than spreading.

5, the small molecular weight of urea, small volume, is the most ideal type of foliar spray nitrogen fertilizer. Urea as a foliar spray, fast absorption, not easy to cause damage to the crop. Urea contains diurea, when used as a foliar fertilizer, if the content of diurea exceeds 0.5%, fertilizer damage will occur.

What kind of fertilizer is urea? How to use it effectively?